Dry Needling is a powerful treatment technique that when used in conjunction with other physical therapy treatments, can help relieve pain and improve function quickly. Dr. Fagerson is trained in Dry Needling and he is excited to utilize this treatment and diagnostic option. Dry Needling is not acupuncture; it is based on a modern scientific study of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems and is thus strictly based on Western medicine principles and research.
It involves using sterile mono-filament needles that are inserted through the skin into muscles, tendons, ligaments, and/or close to nerves to immediately reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and increase mobility. This treatment technique provides an environment that enhances the body's ability to heal which ultimately reduces pain. Dry Needling can be used to help athletes overcome delayed onset muscle soreness.
As athletes push the envelope to become bigger and faster or to reach new goals, recovery becomes an essential phase in the process.
It involves using sterile mono-filament needles that are inserted through the skin into muscles, tendons, ligaments, and/or close to nerves to immediately reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and increase mobility. This treatment technique provides an environment that enhances the body's ability to heal which ultimately reduces pain. Dry Needling can be used to help athletes overcome delayed onset muscle soreness.
As athletes push the envelope to become bigger and faster or to reach new goals, recovery becomes an essential phase in the process.
At SOSPT, Inc., every client receives a very detailed and thorough diagnostic examination.
A plan for treatment is then determined and treatment of the highest quality is provided.
The focus is always one-on-one care with the same clinician, Dr. Tim.
No overlapping appointments.
No passing you off to an assistant, aide, or student.
No unnecessary visits.
Treatment is tailored to each case.
A combination of skilled hands-on therapy (joint and soft tissue mobilization and/or manipulation), specific exercise prescription and education/self-help measures are often used in treatment.
A plan for treatment is then determined and treatment of the highest quality is provided.
The focus is always one-on-one care with the same clinician, Dr. Tim.
No overlapping appointments.
No passing you off to an assistant, aide, or student.
No unnecessary visits.
Treatment is tailored to each case.
A combination of skilled hands-on therapy (joint and soft tissue mobilization and/or manipulation), specific exercise prescription and education/self-help measures are often used in treatment.
If you have an out-of-network benefit or PPO insurance plan you will be able to get reimbursed retroactively for seeing Dr. Fagerson.
Note, however, that SOS-PT is not directly contracted with any insurance company for the purpose of being able to provide quality, often time intensive, one-on-one treatment frequently involving hands-on soft tissue and joint work, exercise prescription, and education.
You are looking for top notch treatment and are willing to pay privately (as you might for massage therapy or personal training).
Note, however, that SOS-PT is not directly contracted with any insurance company for the purpose of being able to provide quality, often time intensive, one-on-one treatment frequently involving hands-on soft tissue and joint work, exercise prescription, and education.
You are looking for top notch treatment and are willing to pay privately (as you might for massage therapy or personal training).
Tim is a truly outstanding physical therapist!
Not only is he quick with scheduling an appointment (because when you have pain, you need help quickly) - but the service he provides is unparalleled.
He focuses exclusively and intensely on YOU with customized treatment for the entire appointment - unlike other PT "shops" that have you waste time at the visit doing the same exercises everyone across the room is doing too.
Tim was recommended to me by a friend whose daughter had a ski injury and had been to several of "the best" PTs in town but she was getting nowhere.
Not only is he quick with scheduling an appointment (because when you have pain, you need help quickly) - but the service he provides is unparalleled.
He focuses exclusively and intensely on YOU with customized treatment for the entire appointment - unlike other PT "shops" that have you waste time at the visit doing the same exercises everyone across the room is doing too.
Tim was recommended to me by a friend whose daughter had a ski injury and had been to several of "the best" PTs in town but she was getting nowhere.
Unfortunately, the AlterG is no longer available at SOS-PT.
You can watch the story about AlterG at SOS-PT here: WCVB.
Tailoring load is the key to healing, rehabilitation, strength, and training.
Walking is a critical function for everyday life for the majority of us and running is a critical ability in many sports.
The AlterG is actual walking, running, and exercising in a NASA designed unloading environment.
Athletes ("everyone's an athlete") with knee, hip, ankle, foot, or back issues who are limited in walk or run volume/intensity because of pain.
You can watch the story about AlterG at SOS-PT here: WCVB.
Tailoring load is the key to healing, rehabilitation, strength, and training.
Walking is a critical function for everyday life for the majority of us and running is a critical ability in many sports.
The AlterG is actual walking, running, and exercising in a NASA designed unloading environment.
Athletes ("everyone's an athlete") with knee, hip, ankle, foot, or back issues who are limited in walk or run volume/intensity because of pain.
Many of my customers realize that regular check-ups and tune-ups can help prevent a major episode of severe pain and dysfunction.
This often involves correcting mechanical dysfunctions of alignment and tissue balance before they become symptomatic or degenerative.
This approach is not only preventative but keeps the body operating at top performance.
In addition to addressing the mechanics of the body, Dr. Fagerson structures visits with him so that there is time to discuss and address wellness issues, ie, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.
This often involves correcting mechanical dysfunctions of alignment and tissue balance before they become symptomatic or degenerative.
This approach is not only preventative but keeps the body operating at top performance.
In addition to addressing the mechanics of the body, Dr. Fagerson structures visits with him so that there is time to discuss and address wellness issues, ie, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.
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