When you need physical therapy, your insurance should be your last concern. When you provide us with your insurance information, our front desk will walk you through your benefits so that you minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Course for physical therapists, trainers, and doctors taught by Dr. Christopher Powers of USC introducing the fundamentals of
JADED is designed to facilitate and guide your life, mind, body and wellness to its greatest potential through the art of holistic physical therapy! We treat every aspect of the person, search out every impairment, create an actionable plan to rehabilitate each issue and lead them down a path of healing so that they can live the life they dreamed of
Physical therapy involves the diagnosis, treatment, management of movement dysfunction and enhancement of physical functional abilities. Our physical therapy clinic is one of the exclusive sites in Alaska to feature the Hydro Track Underwater Treadmill. A functional capacity evaluation (FCE) evaluates an individual's capacity to perform work activities