When you need physical therapy, your insurance should be your last concern. When you provide us with your insurance information, our front desk will walk you through your benefits so that you minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Course for physical therapists, trainers, and doctors taught by Dr. Christopher Powers of USC introducing the fundamentals of normal and pathological gait.
The mission of Northern Edge Physical Therapy is to provide clients a path to complete pain-relief and natural healing through skilled hands-on care, clinical expertise, and specialized programs. Our clinical practice model is oriented towards exceeding client expectations for physical therapy care and professional service. Wellness is within your reach.
No one should be denied the chance to achieve optimal health and full recovery. Don't let insurance limits dictate your expectations for quality of life and fitness. Whether it's recovery from injury or restoring optimal fitness we have a wellness plan to suit your needs.
The mission of Northern Edge Physical Therapy is to provide clients a path to complete pain-relief and natural healing through skilled hands-on care, clinical expertise, and specialized programs. Our clinical practice model is oriented towards exceeding client expectations for physical therapy care and professional service. Wellness is within your reach.
No one should be denied the chance to achieve optimal health and full recovery. Don't let insurance limits dictate your expectations for quality of life and fitness. Whether it's recovery from injury or restoring optimal fitness we have a wellness plan to suit your needs.
Northern Edge Physical Therapy is the leader in hands-on care with excellence in manual therapy and specialized programs.
Our physical therapists in Wasilla approach treatment with sound clinical experience and evidence supported practice with novel approaches to accelerate recovery from orthopedic injury and enhance healing for musculoskeletal conditions and complex pain-related syndromes.
Northern Edge Physical Therapy is a community of passionate physical therapists in Wasilla and dedicated support staff.
Our physical therapists in Wasilla approach treatment with sound clinical experience and evidence supported practice with novel approaches to accelerate recovery from orthopedic injury and enhance healing for musculoskeletal conditions and complex pain-related syndromes.
Northern Edge Physical Therapy is a community of passionate physical therapists in Wasilla and dedicated support staff.
Northern Edge Physical Therapy is the right choice for your treatment.
We understand the challenges faced by clients seeking relief from pain and return to a life of purpose and joy.
We are the only physical therapy practice in the state of Alaska that offers clients excellence in physical therapy services with specialized programs such as; Dry Needling, Redcord, AlterG Anti-gravity Treadmill, Low-level Laser Therapy, and Nutrition Coaching.
The path to healing starts with you.
Choose a path that respects your condition and the impact it has on your life.
We understand the challenges faced by clients seeking relief from pain and return to a life of purpose and joy.
We are the only physical therapy practice in the state of Alaska that offers clients excellence in physical therapy services with specialized programs such as; Dry Needling, Redcord, AlterG Anti-gravity Treadmill, Low-level Laser Therapy, and Nutrition Coaching.
The path to healing starts with you.
Choose a path that respects your condition and the impact it has on your life.
Based in Wasilla, Northern Edge Physical Therapy is the right choice for your physical therapy treatment.
We are one of the most advanced physical therapy clinics in the state of Alaska that offers clients excellence in physical therapy with specialized programs such as; Dry Needling, Redcord, AlterG Anti-gravity Treadmill and more.
Most insurance policies include physical therapy with no doctor referral required.
Give us a call with your insurance information and we can let you know what treatments your insurance covers.
We are one of the most advanced physical therapy clinics in the state of Alaska that offers clients excellence in physical therapy with specialized programs such as; Dry Needling, Redcord, AlterG Anti-gravity Treadmill and more.
Most insurance policies include physical therapy with no doctor referral required.
Give us a call with your insurance information and we can let you know what treatments your insurance covers.
Wellness is within your reach.
Get the care you want and need to restore wellness and reclaim better health.
No one should be denied the chance to achieve optimal health and full recovery.
Don't let insurance limits dictate your expectations for quality of life and fitness.
Whether it's recovery from injury or restoring optimal fitness we have a wellness plan to suit your needs.
You can either pay as you go or enroll as a member in one of the comprehensive wellness programs for more benefits to help you achieve functional health and fitness.
Get the care you want and need to restore wellness and reclaim better health.
No one should be denied the chance to achieve optimal health and full recovery.
Don't let insurance limits dictate your expectations for quality of life and fitness.
Whether it's recovery from injury or restoring optimal fitness we have a wellness plan to suit your needs.
You can either pay as you go or enroll as a member in one of the comprehensive wellness programs for more benefits to help you achieve functional health and fitness.
When you hurt, you want answers.
What caused the pain, and what can you do to recover?
For people struggling with persistent or recurrent pain, however, those answers are difficult or impossible to obtain.
Even so, it is possible to live a life with less pain-to heal and be well.
In Healing Power of You, Dr. Keith Poorbaugh shares insights from his personal and clinical experience to help explain the cause of musculoskeletal pain.
He then offers a rationale based upon recent scientific evidence demonstrating the danger of choosing a medical fix rather than the path toward wellness and healing.
What caused the pain, and what can you do to recover?
For people struggling with persistent or recurrent pain, however, those answers are difficult or impossible to obtain.
Even so, it is possible to live a life with less pain-to heal and be well.
In Healing Power of You, Dr. Keith Poorbaugh shares insights from his personal and clinical experience to help explain the cause of musculoskeletal pain.
He then offers a rationale based upon recent scientific evidence demonstrating the danger of choosing a medical fix rather than the path toward wellness and healing.
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