Whether it's playing sports, exercising, gardening, or carrying your grandchild, pain shouldn't keep you from doing it. At Rehab United, we focus on treating the root causes of your condition, not just the symptoms. By doing this, we have helped hundreds of thousands of people not just get back to doing the things they love, but in many cases, helped
Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR) is popularly used by athletes and physical rehabilitation patients alike. BFR takes advantage of the body's healing properties by challenging it to do more work, but under less physical strain - getting the best bang for your buck while NOT placing your tissues at risk of injury under loads greater than it can handle
Welcome to Manual Orthopedic Physical Therapy, where we use the art and science of physical therapy and occupational therapy to help people heal and return to what matters most in their lives. In this crazy time of uncertainty, We wanted to make sure that you are aware that MOPT is open for in-person therapy sessions. We feel that it is important to