Inna Falk, MSPT is a licensed physical therapist with over twenty years of experience and over ten years practicing in Sharon, Mass. Inna has effectively treated musculoskeletal injuries by accurately diagnosing and managing the sources of problems. Inna's attention to detail is clearly visible in the success she has had in teaching patients the essentials of maintaining a healthy body.
Inna specializes in Posture Imbalances, Body Compensations, causes of Chronic Stress in the body, Structural Integration, and Myofascial Release. Whether or not you have any current musculoskeletal problems, Inna will screen you for body alignment and balance, and advise you what exercises and activities will be beneficial for you to achieve your goals.
Appointments are available Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Contact us to schedule an evaluation, an appointment or for more information.
Inna specializes in Posture Imbalances, Body Compensations, causes of Chronic Stress in the body, Structural Integration, and Myofascial Release. Whether or not you have any current musculoskeletal problems, Inna will screen you for body alignment and balance, and advise you what exercises and activities will be beneficial for you to achieve your goals.
Appointments are available Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Contact us to schedule an evaluation, an appointment or for more information.
Inna S. Falk, MSPT advocates for high-quality patient care, provides one-on-one treatment and relates to patients in a manner which earns their trust and increases their motivation and participation in their therapy.
Falk Physical Therapy accepts most insurance plans including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicare, United Health Care, Tufts Health Care, Aetna, and Worker's Compensation, and fee for services.
Most HMO plans require a referral from your primary care doctor (PCP) to begin physical therapy treatment.
Falk Physical Therapy accepts most insurance plans including Blue Cross Blue Shield, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicare, United Health Care, Tufts Health Care, Aetna, and Worker's Compensation, and fee for services.
Most HMO plans require a referral from your primary care doctor (PCP) to begin physical therapy treatment.
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