Physical therapy is the medical field aimed at alleviating and more importantly, preventing pain and problems associated with muscles, nerves, joints, and bones. To solve a problem, you have to know the root of the problem. Every body has unique movement characteristics creating individualized complications, necessitating the need to find its origin.
Although the human body is only capable of healing and recovering at certain rates, this can be readily optimized through incorporation of key concepts. Allowing the body to work and move the way it was designed to, will allow you to prevent future problems. Restoring normalcy will allow you to enjoy life without pain restrictions.
Although the human body is only capable of healing and recovering at certain rates, this can be readily optimized through incorporation of key concepts. Allowing the body to work and move the way it was designed to, will allow you to prevent future problems. Restoring normalcy will allow you to enjoy life without pain restrictions.
People often have the misconception that their physical limitations are simply a part of "getting old".
Although aging is undoubtedly a contributing factor, by allowing the body to move the way it was meant to, age does not have to be your limiting factor.
Physical therapy should safely maximize your current capabilities, while minimizing your symptoms.
Continued efforts will builds towards alleviation and eventually prevention of injuries (and who says you can't have some fun in the meantime?!).
Although aging is undoubtedly a contributing factor, by allowing the body to move the way it was meant to, age does not have to be your limiting factor.
Physical therapy should safely maximize your current capabilities, while minimizing your symptoms.
Continued efforts will builds towards alleviation and eventually prevention of injuries (and who says you can't have some fun in the meantime?!).
Physical therapy allows for optimization of how the body moves.
Thus anyone from infants to the elderly, athletes to couch potatoes all have something to gain from PT.
All injuries from minor aches/pains, chronic problems, to traumatic accidents can be completely alleviated so they never become a restriction.
Through minimization of the wear-and-tear placed upon the body on a daily basis in conjunction with restoring normalcy to the body's protective mechanisms, injuries never have to limit you from enjoying life.
Thus anyone from infants to the elderly, athletes to couch potatoes all have something to gain from PT.
All injuries from minor aches/pains, chronic problems, to traumatic accidents can be completely alleviated so they never become a restriction.
Through minimization of the wear-and-tear placed upon the body on a daily basis in conjunction with restoring normalcy to the body's protective mechanisms, injuries never have to limit you from enjoying life.
I went to Prime PT due to joint pains in my neck, shoulders, wrists, hands, fingers; feet, stiff hips and back.
I had been living with all these aches and pains for years, but it was getting worse as the years went by.
I didn't know I could do anything to improve my condition.
I thought it was old age and I just accepted it.
Kai and I go to the same Dojo.
In one of his talks he spoke about how he wants to help the elderly people at our Dojo with his occupation.
I really didn't know if anything could help my aches and pains but when I described my condition, Kai said he can help me.
I had been living with all these aches and pains for years, but it was getting worse as the years went by.
I didn't know I could do anything to improve my condition.
I thought it was old age and I just accepted it.
Kai and I go to the same Dojo.
In one of his talks he spoke about how he wants to help the elderly people at our Dojo with his occupation.
I really didn't know if anything could help my aches and pains but when I described my condition, Kai said he can help me.
You will find useful information about how physical therapy applies to many conditions and ailments and how our expert physical therapist in Hawaii can help you achieve a better, pain free life!
Physical Therapy can help alleviate some of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia such as tingling sensations, exhaustion, constipation, headaches, anxiety, persistent pain, and much more!
Physical Therapy can help alleviate some of the symptoms of Fibromyalgia such as tingling sensations, exhaustion, constipation, headaches, anxiety, persistent pain, and much more!
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The Notice also describes your rights with respect to your health information.
Below is a summary of our obligations and your rights, followed by a more detailed description.
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