Scoliosis PT Jax
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Scoliosis PT Jax
Our Schroth certified Scoliosis Therapist can help you with scoliosis, kyphosis, or other spine care needs. The Schroth Method is a 3 dimensional treatment approach with the aim to halt curve progression, reduce pain and improve cosmesis in both adolescents and adults with scoliosis. For Schroth treatment in Jacksonville, FL contact us online or call 904-372-3161.

How is the Schroth Method of Physical Therapy different from traditional Physical therapy? Scoliosis is a three dimensional spinal disorder and therefore should be treated using a 3D approach. The schroth method uses 3 dimensional posture specific exercises and breathing to stabilize the spine. The exercises work on axial elongation and derotation to decrease spinal curve, and reduce pain/ stiffness.

The Schroth Method is backed by peer reviewed articles (a peer-reviewed article is published in peer-reviewed journals only after review and critiques by multiple scholars in the field in order to make sure that the articles reflect solid evidence).
Her love for helping people brought her to the world of scoliosis.
She proudly founded ScoliosisPTJax in 2019 with a focus on Scoliosis for both children, adolescents, and adults.
Donne graduated from the University of Georgia with a BS in Biology and received her Master's degree in Physical Therapy from the Medical College of Georgia.
She is certified in the Schroth Method for treating scoliosis and kyphosis through the Schroth Barcelona Institute and Scoliosis and Spine Online Learning.
She has attended multiple continuing education courses for scoliosis, kyphosis, and other back conditions including from the Postural Restoration Institute and she is pursuing her certification in Barnes myofascial technique.
The Schroth Method is a specialized therapeutic approach for treating scoliosis now available in Jacksonville, FL.
We understand that scoliosis is a complex condition that affects every individual's health and well-being in a different manner.
At ScoliosisPTJax, you and your scoliosis are our primary focus.
During your free discovery visit, a Schroth certified therapist will spend time reviewing your x-rays, and together we will develop the best treatment plan for you.
In the area of scoliosis, there is a great deal of research, and The Schroth Method is one of the fastest-growing, nationally recognized leaders in conservative, non-surgical scoliosis treatment.
The Schroth Method uses Posture Specific Scoliosis Exercises (PSSE) and breathwork for the treatment of spinal disorders including Scoliosis and Kyphosis.
Scoliosis is more than just a "C" or "S" curve.
It is a 3D rotation of the spinal vertebra.
The goal is to asymmetrically strengthen weak muscles and lengthen short muscles while expanding into the collapsed concave areas.
Performing the exercises in various positions against gravity facilitates lengthening and derotating of the spine while reducing pain.
Pilates is a type of exercise designed to strengthen, tone, and stretch your body, while also calming your mind.
The exercises may look simple but when done correctly each movement is designed to take a great deal of precision and control.
There is a great emphasis on mindfulness and technique with each movement when done with the guidance of a professional scoliosis pilates instructor.
The movements can benefit scoliosis since there is a tremendous impact on posture, and general well-being.
Pilates exercises place an emphasis on core strength.
Oftentimes the treatment options are confusing and the information on the internet is scary.
As a parent myself, I understand that we all want what is best for our children.
How do we decide between the difficult treatment options available.
Parents often feel frustrated and the adolescent feels they have no control over their spine.
However, the Schroth Method is a conservative physical therapy treatment specifically for individuals with scoliosis.
The exercises allow individuals with scoliosis to feel in control, they can do something to help their curve.
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