Bronxville Sports Physical Therapy is a private physical therapy practice providing expert one on one care to the local athletes, sporting clubs, schools, elderly and general community of the Bronxville area. Clients include athletes from a wide variety of sports ranging from lacrosse, football, soccer, tennis, basketball, track and field to skiing.
We assess and treat musculoskeletal problems utilizing an extensive knowledge of anatomy, pathology and biomechanics. Our aim is to not only relieve your symptoms but also to identify the cause of your pain and apply treatment strategies to prevent future relapses.
We assess and treat musculoskeletal problems utilizing an extensive knowledge of anatomy, pathology and biomechanics. Our aim is to not only relieve your symptoms but also to identify the cause of your pain and apply treatment strategies to prevent future relapses.
At Bronxville Sports Physical Therapy you will be assessed and treated by a postgraduate trained manual physiotherapist with expert qualifications in treating musculoskeletal injuries.
Your initial consultation will involve a detailed assessment of your condition, including posture and movement analysis, muscle strength testing and joint motion examination to identify what is the source of your pain.
You will receive hands on manual therapy to help re-align any joint restrictions and muscle tightness that is exacerbating your symptoms.
Your initial consultation will involve a detailed assessment of your condition, including posture and movement analysis, muscle strength testing and joint motion examination to identify what is the source of your pain.
You will receive hands on manual therapy to help re-align any joint restrictions and muscle tightness that is exacerbating your symptoms.
Edwina Sulimirski is an Australian trained physiotherapist with over 26 years of clinical experience in outpatient private practice.
She has worked for extended periods of time in Australia, the UK and the USA.
Her experience and training across three continents has provided her with a wide range of treatment philosophies.
She was offered a postgraduate scholarship in Sports Physiotherapy from the Australian Institute of Sport early in her career where she was exposed to some of the best sports medical minds in high performance sports in the country.
She has worked for extended periods of time in Australia, the UK and the USA.
Her experience and training across three continents has provided her with a wide range of treatment philosophies.
She was offered a postgraduate scholarship in Sports Physiotherapy from the Australian Institute of Sport early in her career where she was exposed to some of the best sports medical minds in high performance sports in the country.
We manage musculoskeletal pain, enhance performance and prevent future recurrences by using the latest evidence based research and advanced treatment techniques.
Knee - Patellar tendonitis, fat pad impingement, patellofemoral pain syndrome, ligament injuries, meniscal injuries.
Shoulder/Upper limb - rotator cuff, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel.
Knee - Patellar tendonitis, fat pad impingement, patellofemoral pain syndrome, ligament injuries, meniscal injuries.
Shoulder/Upper limb - rotator cuff, tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel.
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